Re-evaluate Goals

Re-evaluate Goals

Priorities and life circumstances change.

If goals don’t shift with them, there will be an incongruence.

Take stock of where you are at and be considerate and deliberate in shifting goals as appropriate.

This can be about basic day-to-day goals and self-care as well.

For Example: If you are burned out, you may focus on going to sleep early instead of going to the gym that evening. [Noom App]

Can you think of a time when it was appropriate to adjust a goal?


Take the #20percentchallenge

Reach Out

Reach Out

We all have unique experiences, but we are not alone.

Reach out to friends to offer support and lend support as well. 

How can we be available to and walk beside colleagues who need support?

How can we make it known to trusted friends, family and colleagues that we would like support?

Take the #20percentchallenge.




Set Boundaries

Set Boundaries

Pay attention to how much news you consume, the people you talk to and how the thoughts and feeling you have impacted your sense of well-being.

Consider limiting time on social media, watching the news or setting up specific times during the day to check up on current affairs.

Get used to asking to switch topics or delaying topics of conversation when you need a break from a particular topic. 

Take the #20percentchallenge



Make Space for All Your Emotions and Create Positive Experiences

Make Space for All Your Emotions and Create Positive Experiences

Ramp up the healthy things you enjoy like warm cups of tea, time with pets or reading fiction.

Make space for yourself and all your emotions, including fear and fun, stress and serenity, and pain and pleasure. [Noom App]

Being compassionate to yourself while being present with all your emotions can increase the quality of your mental health and wellness.

Take the #20perceentchallenge.





Spending a few moments daily to put your thoughts down on paper can clear your mind, help process experiences, and make space for connection, care and positivity.

Give it a try.

Take the #20percentchallenge



Take a Time Out

Take a Time Out

When overwhelmed, take a step away.

Often 1 minute is all you need to feel less overwhelmed, to gather yourself and refocus.

Remember, taking a break is not the same as quitting.

Give yourself and others permission to take a time out when it feels like it will help.

Take the #20percentchallenge.
