Set Boundaries

Set Boundaries

Pay attention to how much news you consume, the people you talk to and how the thoughts and feeling you have impacted your sense of well-being.

Consider limiting time on social media, watching the news or setting up specific times during the day to check up on current affairs.

Get used to asking to switch topics or delaying topics of conversation when you need a break from a particular topic. 

Take the #20percentchallenge



Make Space for All Your Emotions and Create Positive Experiences

Make Space for All Your Emotions and Create Positive Experiences

Ramp up the healthy things you enjoy like warm cups of tea, time with pets or reading fiction.

Make space for yourself and all your emotions, including fear and fun, stress and serenity, and pain and pleasure. [Noom App]

Being compassionate to yourself while being present with all your emotions can increase the quality of your mental health and wellness.

Take the #20perceentchallenge.





Spending a few moments daily to put your thoughts down on paper can clear your mind, help process experiences, and make space for connection, care and positivity.

Give it a try.

Take the #20percentchallenge



Take a Time Out

Take a Time Out

When overwhelmed, take a step away.

Often 1 minute is all you need to feel less overwhelmed, to gather yourself and refocus.

Remember, taking a break is not the same as quitting.

Give yourself and others permission to take a time out when it feels like it will help.

Take the #20percentchallenge.


Pain and the Ice Bucket

Pain and the Ice Bucket

To measure tolerance for pain and coping mechanisms for pain, researchers filled a bucket with cold water and ice.

They told two groups of participants to place their hand in the ice bucket and keep it in the bucket of ice and water for as long as they could bear.

For one group, they told them to focus on fighting the pain.

The other group told them to stay present with their feelings and accept the pain.

The researchers found that those who remained present and accepted the pain managed to keep their hand in the bucket for a longer duration.

What does this tell us about mindfulness and acceptance as coping mechanisms?

