
Recruitment Right-Sized, Grounded in Partnership & Relationship

Recruitment: The right people with the right skills in the right place at the right time.

With People Inc. has supported complex project recruitment, involving national and international recruitment efforts for projects exceeding $5 billion in capital investment. 

Learn more about our firm here.

No Restrictive Covenants on Candidates or Employers

We believe in supporting a free and mobile labour market. We do not place restrictive covenants upon candidates or employers. 

At times, for clients that select a certain service-stream, we put restrictions on ourselves. For those employers, it is their labour pool exclusively…not ours, meaning we do not actively recruit candidates who’ve responded for one employer to other employers. 


No Restrictive Covenants on Candidates or Employers

We believe in supporting a free and mobile labour market. We do not place restrictive covenants upon candidates or employers. 

At times, for clients that select a certain service-stream, we put restrictions on ourselves. For those employers, it is their labour pool exclusively…not ours, meaning we do not actively recruit candidates who’ve responded for one employer to other employers. 

For Those That Wish, We Push Your Labour Market Brand - Not Ours

Certain employers prefer to be less visible during recruitment and we accommodate that when requested to do so. But for many, there is an interest in taking advantage of each recruitment journey to enhance their brand presence in the labour market. In these cases we become a more silent partner and instead push that employer’s brand through our established, expansive network. 


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

We don’t forget that recruitment ultimately supports operations and de-risks project execution. We apply artificial intelligence and machine learning to our legacy and current procedures, which identifies bottlenecks in mass-recruitment efforts. This continuous improvement increases the predictability of outcomes and certainty of reports such as our 8-week look ahead.

No Percent of Salary Based Billing, We Deploy a Pay for What you Use, Open book Time-based Model of Billing

We accept that there are times and places for percentage-of-salary-based billing, such as for more elaborate executive-level search journeys. However, we feel that model is generally overused. We focus on staff, technical and craft recruitment up to middle management levels. For this type of recruitment, we believe a fair, time-based billing model is better suited for our clients.

Holding Ourselves to an Anti-Racist Recruitment Standard

We actively seek out and remove structural, unconscious and conscious bias both in ourselves and within our systems. We continually strengthen our assurance that we do not add to inequity in the labour market. Also, we apply a positive bias towards the recruitment and onboarding of Indigenous, BIPOC and women candidates, for those candidates that choose voluntarily to self-identify.

Assisted in the Hiring and Onboarding of 27,000 Canadians

We produce results, with recruitment of over 27,000 Canadians hired on projects made up predominantly of craft and technical industrial and construction personnel. Our processes and methods are scalable. We assist large and small needs, everything from the recruitment of 1-3 positions, to recruiting for hundreds of positions.

Talk to us about your recruitment needs

Sometimes third party recruitment capacity is necessary… 

Whether the need for a 3rd party is for reasons associated with complexity, neutrality, internal capacity or due to other sensitivities we can help.